Clocks will spring forward one hour this Sunday, March 9, 2025, as daylight saving time begins across most of the United States!

AMA LogoWelcome

The Kitsap Aircraft Radio Control Society is an active radio control aeronautical club with members of all skill levels, from novice to expert. If you are new to flying, be sure to check out our free "Learn to Fly!" offer in the featured section at right.

We meet at 7:00 PM on the second Tuesday of each month at
Marlin Little Field during the summer, or at the

For more information on how to join or to get involved, contact us.

Build And Fly

EAA Young Eagle (YE)

The EAA Young Eagles is looking for 10 more YEs to join in the next Build and Fly. See the flyer for more info.


!!! SCAM Warning !!!

An email is floating around from what appears to be KC. This email is asking for Apple Gift cards for the meeting tomorrow night. This is what we refer to as "social engineering"; someone has spent a little time looking into who/what we are and pretending to be KC.


The telltale signs are: a) someone asking for money via gift cards, b) the email it was sent from is not in agreement with the email I know KC uses, c) it came to me via the "webmaster" email alias. All of these are flags. When you receive suspicious emails or texts like this, it's best to reach out independently (don't use any links in the email) to verify that the person is in fact making the request.
Replying to the scam email will provide the scammer with your email adress also.

This is the time of year when these types of scams seem to be prevalent so please keep your eyes open and don't respond if you get any messages like this. Just delete them. Happy Holidays!

Upcoming Events

March 2025

11  Regular Meeting - 7:00 P.M. Sunnyslope Improvement Association,
5830 SW Old Clifton Road, Port Orchard,
15  Military Appreciation for 2025
Fairgrounds Main Pavilion
15  McMinville, Or. Swap Meet 2025

2025 calendar

Club News

President's Messages

February 11th, 2025


The February monthly club meeting for tonight as been cancelled by the President for safety reasons with the freezing temperatures. Please stay safe!

January 14th, 2025

Attention All:

The Gate Combo will be changed on Saturday Feb. 15th for the 2025 year. The new gate combo will be be dispersed to 2025 paid members prior to the change. I suggest you write down the new combo when you receive it so that you will not lose it and have it with you when you go to the field. I write it on the back of my AMA/Club Card as that is needed if flying to post on the KIOSK at the field. Only those who:
1. Are current AMA members
2. Have paid their club dues and
3. Have turned in a completed signed membership form for 2025 will be receiving this new combo.
To ensure you do not get locked out and miss flying time please complete your 2025 renewal as soon as possible and get the signed form info to the address on the form. Please do not share with others as they may not be paid up yet. P.S. If you joined after Sept. 30th of 2024 you are good for 2025 also.  

For previous messages, see the President's Messages Page

T-28 FPV Videos

Check out KC's T-28 FPV Videos . They're really cool! <========== Membership Renewal (4) ======== -->

Membership Renewals

Membership renewal forms for 2025 are now available here. For more information, see the Membership Page.

FRIA Status

UPDATE (8/1/2024): Upon receipt of FAA’s Remote ID Authorization, the KARCS Flying Site is exempt from requiring Remote ID being installed in UAS vehicles.

Select here for club documents & more news

AMA LogoAbout the AMA

The Academy of Model Aeronautics is a nonprofit community of hobbyists who dream, design, build, and fly model aircraft of all sizes for fun and competition.

Learn more about the AMA

AMA Dist. XI Logo
AMA District XI
includes the states
of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon
and Washington.

District XI Website

District XI Facebook page

Learn to Fly - Free!

Free RC Flying Lessons

     The Introductory Pilot Program is free to the trainee. It gives the beginning pilot an opportunity to learn how to fly using a club-supplied airplane and transmitter.
     The instructor's transmitter has full control of the aircraft but at any time, with the flip of a switch, allows the trainee to pilot the airplane with a second transmitter.
     It's a great way to learn about model airplanes while getting hands-on flying experience.
     For more information, contact the Head Flight Instructor.

Marlin Little Field

Select here for current Little Field weather
( Provided by weatherUSA® )

Directions to
Marlin Little Field (+47°28'17.1", -122°44'07.2")

From Highway 16:
Take the Tremont Exit, turn west onto Clifton Rd. Travel 4.1 miles and turn left onto Sunnyslope Rd. Drive 1.9 miles, then turn right through the yellow gate. Proceed down the dirt road to the field.

From Shelton on Hwy 3 N:
Turn right on Lake Flora Rd. Proceed until reaching Sunnyslope Rd. Turn left onto Sunnyslope Rd. and proceed 0.9 miles. Turn left through the yellow gate to the field.

From Bremerton on Hwy 3 S:
At Gorst, keep right to remain on Hwy 3. Proceed 1.9 miles to the top of the hill, then turn left on Sunnyslope Rd. Drive 1.3 miles, then turn right to remain on Sunnyslope Rd. Proceed 1.9 miles, then turn right through the yellow gate to the field.

Get map to Little Field

Nearby RC Aircraft Stores