Field Safety

Provided by KARCS Safety Officer


  1. The Field will be open to ARCS members that have current AMA membership and their guests. Each member shall accompany and be responsible for his or her guests while at the Field. Each guest will comply with field rules stated herein.
  2. Ensure that spectators remain behind the fence and out of the pit area.
  3. All pilots must read & comply with the current AMA Safety Code.
  4. All pilots must read and comply with the Letter of Agreement (LOA) with the FAA and Bremerton Airport (back side of kiosk).
  5. All R/C aircraft shall have the appropriate AMA "required" identification with name, address, telephone number or current AMA number and FAA registration number. (Compliance with the requirements of the AMA Safety Code and the FAA.)
  6. The use or consumption of alcoholic beverages or any illegal chemical substance is strictly prohibited at the flying field.
  7. In the event of a medical emergency at the field, immediately call 911 for help.
  8. A first aid kit for minor injuries will be maintained on site by ARCS, at KIOSK.
  9. Clean up your area when you are finished and pick up other trash when you see it. Please take trash home with you when you leave.
  10. The access gate must be locked when the Field is not in use. When present, ARCS members are responsible for restricting access to the site and other areas of county property used by McCormick Woods for other than radio controlled flying activities.
  11. Protection of spectators and guests is everyone's responsibility.
  12. Tree cutting for aircraft recovery is not allowed.
  13. Smoking or vaping within 25 ft. of the staging area, pits and flight line is prohibited.
  14. The Secondary Flying Area is restricted to helicopters with a 350 mm rotor or smaller, foamy aircraft 48 inches or smaller and quad copters with frames not larger than 300 mm.


  1. Pilots shall restrict their flying to within the prescribed boundaries of the field (see field map below).
  2. Any flying in the "Restricted Airspace" is strictly prohibited (see map of field below). Continued violations will result in loss of flying field privileges. (Restricted airspace is outside the red field boundaries shown on included Field map.)
  3. Fly with spotter. It could save your life. Spotters are mandatory for the following conditions:
    a) Placing and retrieving aircraft on the runway and flyover area.
    b) Flying to the East of the safety line North end point. (See flight boundaries on map at right)
    c) Maiden or rebuild flights and will be the only aircraft on the field during initial flight.
    d) Spotter is required by FAA when flying any UAS in full FPV mode (wearing goggles for example). See AMA Document #550 Unmanned Aircraft Operation Utilizing First-Person View for additional FPV requirements.
  4. All club members are responsible for ensuring that appropriate precautions/procedures are used during operation of their radio transmitters at the Field.
  5. The frequency board must be used at all times by all personnel.
  6. Flying over personnel and vehicles (e.g. mowing, retrieving airplanes, etc.) on the flying field is prohibited
  7. Overflow tanks must be used when refueling.
  8. All pilots flying aircraft with gasoline fueled engines shall provide and have near by, a fire extinguisher, during starting and operations. "This is mandatory".
  9. Never leave a plane unattended with the engine running or power system armed (throttle cut does not meet this requirement).
  10. Do not ‘arm’ electrics of any kind under the canopy/in pits unless prop/ED is removed or motor disconnected from ESC.
  11. Always announce your intentions to other pilots on the flight line and get their acknowledgment when you are going to take-off, land, touch and go, low pass, retrieve a model, cross the runway or perform a dead stick landing. Notify other pilots when the runway is clear again.
  12. Except for events, a maximum of four aircraft may be in the air at any one time.
  13. When two or more aircraft are in the air, unless otherwise agreed to by all airborne pilots, always fly the pattern (see picture) or make sure you are well clear of pattern fliers. The pattern direction is determined by the first pilot airborne but, if wind conditions dictate and it is agreed to by all airborne pilots, the direction can be changed. If taking off downwind, enter the correct pattern as soon as possible.
  14. Always take off in the runway direction (no cross runway takeoffs).
  15. Except for takeoffs and landings, always fly on the far side of the runway fabric until well clear of the end of the runway. This includes low approaches. On takeoff, move to the far side of the fabric runway as soon as possible.
  16. Except for Events, 3D type flying (hovering/slow flight) shall be conducted over the grass and aircraft proximity communicated with other pilots. Hovering over the fabric runway is not allowed unless for purposes of landing.
  17. Fabric taxiways shall be utilized for departure and arrival of aircraft. Taxiing shall stop well before reaching the end of the fabric towards the pits. Larger aircraft can depart and arrive outside the ends of the outboard pilot stations and at a minimum of 10 ft from the pilot stations.
  18. All pilots flying aircraft with electric Li-PO battery powered systems shall provide and have nearby a sand bucket(s) during arming and operations. “This is mandatory”.
  19. Except for Events, aircraft requiring a rolling takeoff will not become airborne until past the last attended pilot station.
  20. Except for Events, all flying must be conducted from within pilot stations.

Pilot Requirements

Each member operating an aircraft must have current ARCS and AMA membership cards. Guests of members must show proof of valid AMA membership in order to fly. A current ARCS/AMA membership card shall be placed on the frequency board by all members prior to turning on a transmitter. Guests should use their AMA card.


Repeated violations of field and safety rules by any pilot constitute not only a threat to safety, but also could lead to the possible loss of the flying field. As a result, repeated violations by any pilot may result in the pilot being banned from using the Field. An expelled member is no longer allowed to fly at the Field, even as a guest.

Safety & Flight Briefings

Safety & Flight Briefing
Flight Operations Briefing

Airfield Maintenance

Work parties are necessarry in maintaining the quality facilities we presently enjoy.

Mowing, brush removal and general cleaning are regularly scheduled. Members are encouraged to wear protective gear as appropriate to the task. Work in pairs where possible and watch out for your partner. Engage in work that is suitable to your health and physical condition. Most of our work is done during the warm months ensure your intake of liquids is suitable for the conditions. Most of all don't over due it. Stay Safe.

For more information, please
contact the club Safety Officer at
or the Club President


Flight Boundaries Map

Flight Boundaries Map

Flight Patterns Map

Traffic Pattern Map